Emmett J Scanlan Nude Cock Scenes in Savage

Emmett J Scanlan naked

Emmett J. Scanlan was great in Savage. There, this male celebrity was quite brash and outspoken in the locker room. At the same time, Emmett J. Scanlan was frontally nude when talking to his teammate! So, Emmett J. Scanlan was in no hurry to cover his nude big cock with hairy balls with a towel, and even fantasized about how he would fuck someone! You could also admire his naked elastic buttocks, which he still covered with a towel after a while.

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Emmett J. Scanlan Nude in Savage

When Emmet J. Savage is in the locker room with other men in the movie “Savage” you can notice him in the background with his long cock hanging out and wiggling all around as he is telling his sex story. He pulled up his towel and went to confront the guy provoking him but he was stopped by another big Ukrainian dude. He was the hottest stud in the locker room.


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