The Morning Salute: How to Pee Like a Pro

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Rise and shine, sleepyhead! The sun is beaming, and… wait, what’s this? Looks like something else woke up before you did. Yes, that’s right – your “antenna” is still tuned into last night’s channel. The technical term is “Morning Wood”. But let’s be real – it’s more like “Morning Challenge”, especially when your bladder’s about to burst. Time for a pee-pee mission, but how do you do it with this uncooperative situation?

Fear not! It’s time to team up with your trusty sidekick down below and learn the art of peeing with Morning Wood. We’ve got a lineup of tried-and-true positions, clinically tested* to ensure you hit the target every time. (*Disclaimer: “clinically tested” means we asked some friends and they gave it a shot.) Forgetful? No worries! Why not turn this guide into a fun bathroom poster? Stick it above the toilet and enjoy a new peeing adventure every day!

The Wait

This is the “I’m not in a rush” pose. Just sit down and let gravity do the work while you contemplate life, the universe, and everything.

the wait

The Frog

Channel your inner amphibian! This squat position gives you the angle you need while testing your leg strength. And now you are pissing clearly on target and getting bonus points for flexibility.

the frog

The Lunge

Strike a pose like a hero! One leg forward, one back—like you’re about to sprint, but your mission is… hitting the target.

the lunge

The Tube

A creative twist! Literally. This one looks like you’re trying to solve a plumbing problem with your body, bending things to your will.

the tube

The Blow Dryer

Lean in, stretch it out, and hope for the best. To give the desired direction to the stream, precision and patience are required.

the blow dryer

The Portal

Imagine you’re casting a spell! Draw a magical ring in the air and hope that it opens a portal… directly into the toilet.

the portal

The Gymnast

Full commitment here! It’s like you’re auditioning for the circus—bending and arching like an athlete. Gold medal for creativity.

the gymnast

The Handstand

Go full acrobat! If everything else fails, just flip upside down. A daring move only for the truly bold (and very balanced).

the handstand

The Superman

Fly horizontally over the toilet like a true superhero, ensuring that morning wood never stands in the way of your aim. Some mornings require a bit more creativity than others!

the superman

Zac Efron’s Superman pose worked out great. This celebrity hunk got a good grip and put his cock into the toilet bowl without any difficulty.

zac efron erection

Attention, Ladies of the House! Tired of finding mysterious splashes on the toilet seat every morning? Let’s cut the guys some slack – it’s not their fault. Blame it on biology! But you can help them out by gifting them this handy guide. It’s time for them to master their morning routine – one careful aim at a time!

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