Glenn Howerton Nude in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Glenn Howerton is hanging on a tall pole and is being electrocuted with a zapper and you can see his muscles squeezing from each strike. If we had him hanging like that in our office, we wouldn’t make the same mistake and let him go, he would stay with us forever waiting what is inevitable to join our sexual fantasies and have a good time with us.


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Glenn Howerton All Nude in It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Glenn Howerton nude

Glenn Howerton felt absolutely confident to go completely nude in It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. So, this celeb hunk was not ashamed of his nakedness when he talked to an old man outside his house. And while these two were talking peacefully, Glenn Howerton’s nude booty was shown to the audience, and it looked so sweet! It is worth noting that the muscular torso of this American actor also looked very seductive.

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