Timothy Hutton Nude in Made in Heaven

“Made in Heaven” from 1987 introduced us to Timothy Hutton’s naked body. As he was standing completely naked in a bright room with black and white tiles we have a chance to admire his hot naked body. With his firm butt and tight waist that is increasing to his wide back and chest we can’t think of anything else just him. At the time he was a real hunk.


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Timothy Hutton Shirtless Outdoors in American Crime

Timothy Hutton shirtless

Ready to see some Timothy Hutton nudity in American Crime? This male celebrity was in no hurry to undress completely, but he still took off his shirt. As he walked quickly down the street, his curly hair fluttered in the wind. And Timothy Hutton’s hairy chest with small nipples was breathtaking. You’ll be in awe when you lay eyes on this shirtless actor!

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